Cost Comparison

After Proof Roll Fails: What is the Remedy and What Does “It” Cost?
A comparison of three stabilization methods based on 5,000 square yards.

Option 1. Stabilize in-place soil at a 12 inch depth with a 10% Class “C” fly ash.

Dust free application of fly ash at the geotechnical designed pounds per square yard with cross auger distributor. Blend fly ash uniformly with in-place soil utilizing a pulvamixer equipped with a spray bar for application of required water to obtain proper moisture content of the soil-fly ash mixture. Complete initial compaction with padded drum roller. $5.75 SY $28,750*
Finish grade to required lines and profile, Seal surface with smooth drum roller. $1.00 SY $5,000
Total    $33,750

Option 2. Excavate to a 6 inch depth, place DOT approved geogrid with 6 inches of roadstone.

Over excavate 833 CY, haul off site $5.00 CY $4,165
Purchase Tensar BX-4100, allow for 10% material overlap (5500 SY) $1.65 SY $9,075
Labor for geogrid placement (5500 SY) $0.55 SY $3,025
Purchase, haul and place 1417 ton of roadstone on site $16.00 T $22,672
Spread and compact roadstone $2.00 T $2,834
Total    $41,771

Option 3. Excavate to a 12 inch depth, place a 12 inch depth of compacted roadstone.

Over excavate 1666 CY, haul off site $5.00 CY $8,330
Purchase, haul and place 2835 ton of roadstone on site $16.00 T $45,360
Spread and compact roadstone $2.00 T $5,670
Total    $59,360

Advantages of Soil Stabilization

  • More economical
  • Significantly improves CBR values
  • Reduces utilization of natural resources(aggregates and fuel)
  • Eligible for LEED credits
  • Shortens number of workdays
  • Increases freeze/thaw durability of soil
  • Utilization of recyclable materials
  • Provides for reduction of pavement thickness
  • Extends pavement life

Let GEOMAX perform value engineering for your project.

*For comparison purposes, price may vary according to dry density weight of soil